The Impromix Ensemble, a vibrant tapestry of diverse talents woven by players from 8 different countries – the Netherlands, Greece, Brazil, Italy, the United Kingdom,, Finland, Germany and France – is based in Düsseldorf. Fueled by a shared passion for improvisational theatre and the pure joy of hearty laughter, our international ensemble seamlessly integrates a rich mix of cultural influences into its performances. This unique fusion captivates audiences in the cities of Düsseldorf and Cologne, where we predominantly showcase our improvisation skills.
il Gusto Barocco
EnsemblePlay B Theater
EnsembleKrimidinner Kompanie Re…
EnsembleDIN A 13
EnsembleCantus Magistri
EnsembleBühne Cipolla - Figuren…
EnsembleMercurivs Crew Europa
Ensembleaixpertentheater - frei…
Ensembletanzfuchs PRODUKTION
EnsembleCoGNiMUS Collektiv
EnsemblePhönixallee - Düsseldor…
EnsembleDas Varieté
EnsembleStudentische Ensembles
EnsembleTITANS RISING Ensemble
EnsembleDie Sax'n - Leipziger.S…
Ensemble‘HXOS Chor Berlin
EnsembleEnsemble Musikfabrik