Global Shapers Munich
FOTO: © Global Shapers Munich

Global Shapers Munich

Das sagt die Seite:

The Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, is a network of hubs developed led by young people driving to make a contribution to their communities.

City-based hubs are the core of the global shapers community of over 11,000 shapers in over 400 hubs around the world in more than 150 countries. The Munich Hub is just one of them: Our goal is to take on impact-generating projects to help out our local community - Munich. Some of these projects include the Refugee ComputerKlasse, Climate Cafe, Mindful Hour, Run in the Dark, and more. Hub activities are non-political, non-partisan, and always focused on the great public good. You can find out more about us and our projects here.

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