Territory for experimental music, performance and art ausland is a non-commercially run venue in berlin for music and performance and related public and non-public events. ausland is also a workspace for local, national and international artists and projects. ausland holds on the average three shows a week. the focus clearly is on experimental, non-mainstream, demanding, kind of weird stuff which either makes you comfortable or makes you leave the place before you've even finished your first (cheap) drink...
KonzerthausHeimathafen Neukölln
KonzerthausKonzerthaus Berlin
KonzerthausDeutsche Oper Berlin
KonzerthausBi Nuu
KonzerthausAstra Kulturhaus
KonzerthausBerliner Philharmonie &…
KonzerthausPierre Boulez Saal
KonzerthausKantine am Berghain
KonzerthausPhilharmonie Berlin
KonzerthausKonzertsaal der UdK Ber…
KonzerthausJoseph-Joachim Konzerts…
KonzerthausAEVE BY AEDEN