Tanzen3000 Is dedicated to creating more connected and movement focused dance floors.
Starting with a dance workshop, we share simple concepts to play and interact with on a club dance floor. This warm up is aimed to be inclusive and fun for everyone, no matter your previous experience or physical condition.
The workshop transitions into one (!) DJ set, specially curated for the evening. Our sets pass through various musical genres and bpm for a 2-hour journey. The recommendation is for everybody at the event to spend this one set on the dance floor, from beginning to end.
No phones, no conversations, no substances. Stay on the dance floor, listen, and dance.
* If this is your first time at Tanzen3000, please read our guidelines on tanzen3000[dot]com/guidelines
* The event is pretty sober: come as you are, but no alcohol or drugs during the event.
* Free tab water provided.
* Clean carpets are laid out throughout the club - take off your shoes and enjoy.
* The workshop is beginner-friendly. Language is English, translation to German is available.
* The event format lends on Ecstatic Dances but leaves out the woo woo. We're not 'a ho' with a lot of things happening in Lalaland.
* Wear comfortable clothes for dancing.
* Pricing is sliding scale. Reduced price available (check our IG account for details: @tanzen3000_offiziell)
18:00 open doors and grooving in
18:30 workshop
20:00 dj set
22:00 cool down and afterglow