Red Tent Ceremony
The Red Tent is an ancient tradition where women came together during their menstruational cycle to bleed, and also during and after giving birth. The Red tent is a place where women came together in sisterhood, to support eachother and to listen to eachothers stories, and shared wisdom. It is a place where things were shared that were never shared before or elsewehere.
In this Red Tent Ceremony we come together in Sisterhood. We share our wisdom, hold space for each other simply by listening without judgement. We connect to our body, to our womb, through movmement. Anything that is alive in us is allowed to be there and allowed to be expressed in all colors.
We connect through:
This ceremony is for all womb-holders and anyone who identifies themselves as a women. Anyone from any background, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race and ability is welcome.
Let yourself feel held this evening in sisterhood.
Time: 18:30-20:30. The door opens at 18:20. Please come on time so we can start at 18:30.
The energy exchange is 27 euros, and 50 euros for 2 sisters. If you are short on money you can participate in the ceremony for 22 euro.
Buy yourself a ticket via:
I am a 200hr Hatha- & Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher and I teach in different studios in Cologne, Germany. I have volunteered twice at Tantric Joy Festival in Amsterdam. I have done different Tantra workshops (womb healing, emotional release, sharing, trauma healing, somatic experiences) and a Women Remember training with Nada from @Downtoearthwomen. I love to create safe spaces where can come back in connection with our bodies and where we can to express ourselves authentically.
I got to experience the Red Tent for the first time myself at the European (kundalini) Yoga Festival in France. It reminded me of Women Circles and since I love to gather together with Women, I want to create a Red Tent Ceremony with you, based on my own experiences.
With love,
A Nomad By Heart
The energy exchange is 27 euros, and 50 euros for 2 sisters. If you are short on money you can participate in the ceremony for 22 euro.