FOTO: © Raise Desypri

Lovers & Places

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We couldn't be more excited that the second show of our 'Intimacies' series is presented by our amazing friend @railikeryebread! ❤️

Opening : 5th of September from 6pm


“LOVERS AND PLACES" is a photographic odyssey spanning seven years and four cities —Athens, London, Berlin, and New York. Through the lens of both digital and film photography, this collection captures the ephemeral moments that transpired for the artist at the intersection of urban landscapes and intimate connections.

Each photo duet forgoes conventional titles, opting instead for a poignant companion—an iPhone note.

These notes, inscribed in the very locations they depict, serve as a tangible link to past lovers, etching memories into the spaces where desire and architecture coalesce.

The images unfold a narrative, a journey woven through the threads of cities and bodies, a visual exploration of the interconnectedness between the physical and the emotional.


"INTIMACIES" is the overarching theme of the first three-part series of works exhibited at TORTE this summer/autumn. “Lovers and Places” is the second show of the three part series which began with Lucrezia Rossi’s "the hell away from me" past July.

This initiative, curated by the artist, Raisa Desypri for TORTE, aims to use non-traditional spaces to present and promote artists, showcasing "great" Art in spaces accessible to everyone. By exhibiting Art outside of conventional "white cube" galleries, the goal is to challenge the notion that work displayed outside of institutional settings is merely decorative or of lesser value.


TORTE BAR Brusendorfer Straße 12 12055 Berlin

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