The event language is English.
Under the topic of “Poems about Exile”, Stella Nyanzi will read some of her poems written about flight from home, seeking asylum in a second country, fleeing to a third country, and then living as an exile in Germany. Poetry has been an important medium of conveying her messages which were critical of several government failures back home in Uganda. Because of her critical writings, she was arrested twice, charged twice and imprisoned twice for cyber harassment and offensive communication against President Museveni. In the second case, she was convicted and sentenced to eighteen months in maximum security prison because of a poem she wrote for the president’s birthday. While in prison, she continued writing poems, some of which were smuggled out and published into her first book of poems titled “No Roses from My Mouth” (2020).
Stella Nyanzi is a Ugandan dissident poet, academic scholar, social justice activist and member of the opposition political party called Forum for Democratic Change in Uganda. She has been exiled in Bavaria with her three teenage children since January 2022 when she received a scholarship of the Writers-in-Exile program of PEN-Zentrum Deutschland.
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