FOTO: © Florian Hetz


Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:


Fri. October  25th, 23:00-8:00

Helios37, Cologne


Does a leather harness suffice to define you as a master? 

Is a latex bodysuit enough to crown you a submissive? And how does a codified language composed of flogging, restraint, humiliation, sensation play, and intricate rituals delineate the boundaries between being dominant or submissive, a master or mistress, and a servant? 

Historically, sexual behaviors outside the norm have been pathologized, marginalized, and silenced, deemed as disturbances or deviations from the so-called healthy sexuality. This stigmatization mirrors the scientific objectification of emotions, casting kink as a white noise disrupting the societal expectations of sexual conduct. 

In this hypersexualized reality, kink is our revolution, a reclamation of our bodies and desires from the chains of heteronormativity. It is the liberation from rigid roles and labels, allowing us to explore the fluidity of our sexual identities. In the world of kink, pleasure is political, and every act of consensual play is an assertion of our right to exist as we are.

Kink is the anthem of sexual freedom, a declaration of our autonomy, a call to embrace  the beautiful chaos of human sexuality that resists classification and control. It is a space where we honor consent, communication, and the power dynamics that reflect our deepest truths. In the embrace of kink, we find solidarity, community, and the freedom to be unapologetically ourselves.

Be kinky, be yourself.


+Couples area

+Play area

+Chillout area

+Fruits & sweets

+Trained Awareness Team & Safety Concept

+Psy-care support

+Safe(r) space for queer, FINTA, BiPoC individuals



-Tickets are not refundable.

-Having a ticket does not guarantee entry; we reserve the right to refuse admission. Know the rules and adhere to the dress code to meet our entry requirements.

-Please allow sufficient time for the entry process.



Drag, fetish, rubber, harness, chains, shiny, latex, leather, lace/mesh, nylon, pet play, skirts, rubber, sexy underwear, suspenders, colorful.

Get creative or embrace your natural self! No streetwear permitted.



-To maintain everyone’s privacy, photos and videos are not allowed in any area.

-We aim for a safe environment where all guests feel welcome, regardless of gender, religion, race, bodyform, class, or sexual orientation.

-Always ensure consent before any form of physical contact. Discrimination, sexual harassment, or any form of violence will not be tolerated.

-If you witness or experience anything inappropriate, reach out to our awareness team, bar staff, door crew, or anyone at coat check.

-Failure to follow these rules will result in removal from the event.


For full details on the dress code and event concept, please check nurbö


Helios37 Heliosstraße 37 50825 Köln

Organizer | Veranstaltungsreihe


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