FOTO: © EhrenKlub

EhrenKlub im Schrotty #7 - Ostersonntag mit ?

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

EhrenKlub im Schrotty #7

OSTERSONNTAG (Vorfeiertag) // 20.04.25 // Schrotty

No 7 – For the Seventh Time we invite our Li´l Devils into the unholy realms of Schrotty.

Lineup Main (A – Z)

* ???

2nd FLOOR (A – Z)

* ???


To assure the party a safer space for everyone the participation of all is required. Be aware of your own boundaries and respect the boundaries of others!

If you are affected by discrimination, feeling the line being crossed or you can’t deal with a situation, turn to the ones around you or to the Awareness Team. We will have 2 mobile teams who you can identify by the red lights.

The Awareness Team can support you in conflicts, has a sympathetic ear and helps you to find a solution.

Stay safe!

Teilnahmebedingungen für Gewinnspiele


Schrotty Vogelsanger Straße 406 50827 Köln

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