FOTO: © Hauke Dressler

Container (us/uk), VMO aka Violent Magic Orchestra (jp)

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

rhythmic electronic | techno | noise rock | black metal | rave | digital drone hardcore
Since 2009 Ren Schoefield have boggled brains around the globe, cementing Container as a distinctive and off-kilter figure in modern electronic music. Characterized by propulsive beats and liberal doses of distortion, Container’s deranged sonic meld has been welcomed at club nights, noise basements, electronic festivals, and punk shows alike. He's back with his new album "Yacker" (5.4.24).

VMO aka Violent Magic Orchestra* on tour with their 2nd album "Death Rave" (13.4.24) are creating an visual art music project that harmoniously integrates techno, black metal, industrial, noise and gabber. It's like black metal meets Kraftwerk, or Aphex Twin with corpse paint, or 100 gecs snuggle with Cradle of Filth.


VVK: 17€ (+ Gebühren + 1Club € AK: 23€ | Ermäßigt: 20€


MS Stubnitz Kirchenpauerkai 29 20457 Hamburg

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