Apéritif Spontan

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Donnerstag 21.12

Music by Burak & Pascal Haller


Apéritif Spontan' - Together they make a great evening after work at studio amore

An apéritif, is an alcoholic drink typically consumed before a meal. It is often a light, refreshing beverage such as wine, negroni, or a cocktail. 

The word "spontan" refers to something that is unpremeditated, happening naturally or without any external prompting. For example, a spontaneous decision to go for a apéritif at studio amore might be made on a beautiful day when one feels to go out and enjoy after work and good music. Spontaneous actions are often characterized from a natural impulse or intuition.

Check our Instagram for our weekly music program.

Every Thursday from 6pm at studio amore.



Studio Amore Schillerstraße 23 70173 Stuttgart

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