FOTO: © FST Ignite Talks #04

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Dank der Partnerschaft mit Lubi im Clockwise, können wir euch endlich wieder regelmäßig an spannenden Impulsen und Einblicken teilhaben lassen.

Weiter geht es mit drei Speakern im Clockwise:

**Madlen Schröder** ist Finanz- und Freiheitstrainerin und ihr Vortrag hat den spannenden Titel „Trau dich“!

**Jay Mbengui**

**Bayu Prihandito** ist Life Coach für Männer und sein Vortrag hat den Titel
„Die Verantwortung als Mann, die du nicht ignorieren darfst." Dabei hat er nicht nur fürs männliche Publikum, sondern für uns alle was dabei.

**Location: Clockwise Bremen**
Clockwise Bremen offers fully serviced offices with monthly rolling contracts across five floors, situated in Bremen’s Mitte in the heart of the city.

Offering beautifully designed and fully serviced offices, Clockwise Bremen is a great option for growing businesses who need professional workspaces and flexibility with monthly rolling contracts. One fee covers everything; rent, reception cover, cleaning, maintenance, security, utilities and WiFi.
There are offices of varying size, from 1 desk to 22, and Club Lounge and Dedicated Desk memberships for those who aren’t yet ready for an office.
Offices can be occupied at speed, with as little as 24 hours from enquiry to move in. They come fully furnished with access to large mixed-use breakout areas; lounges for relaxing or informal conversations, kitchens with coffee and tea, telephone booths for private calls and communal tables for collaboration.
There are also four bookable meeting rooms that can accommodate up to eight with A/V for conferencing. A balcony on the fifth floor is great for taking breaks and an onsite café is open Monday to Friday offering hot and cold food, teas, coffees and other hot and cold drinks.
Clockwise Bremen is located in Bremen’s Mitte. It’s a buzzing area in the heart of the city and it’s well connected, no more than a 20 minute walk to Bremen Hauptbahnhof Train Station.


Clockwise Bremen Martinistraße 62-66 28195 Bremen

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