The Theater der Jungen Welt (TDJW) is the family theater of the city of Leipzig - a place for contemporary children's and youth theater with productions in drama, dance, puppetry and performance. It is a place for exchange and dialog between generations and cultures, an open community center and an important driver of cultural education with a variety of participatory events. As the voice of the younger generation, the TDJW is an innovative advocate for social issues such as inclusion, sustainability and integration.
The TDJW can look back on a long tradition: in 1946, it opened with Erich Kästner's EMIL UND DIE DETEKTIVE as Germany's first professional children's and youth theater and has since been both a place for generations of Leipzig residents to experience theater for the first time and a cultural institution that accompanies them throughout their lives. The TDJW's repertoire includes plays for all generations, from theater for the very youngest to productions for an adult audience.
As one of the most renowned German-speaking theaters for children and young people, the TDJW always sees its program as an experimental platform for the genre, as well as a theoretical and practical place of discourse for the implementation of qualitative and innovative theater for young people. Through its involvement in European and global theater networks, the TDJW ensemble is in constant exchange with other children's and youth theater makers and has a national and international presence through a large number of collaborations, guest performances and festival invitations. The Theater der Jungen Welt has already given guest performances in many European countries such as Austria, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, as well as in Georgia, Israel and Japan.
The TDJW is also an organizer of platforms for artistic encounters, such as "TURBO", the first German inclusive dance and theater festival for young audiences, which was held in June 2021.
With JUNGEN WILDNIS, the TDJW has a large theater education department that goes far beyond the mere teaching of theater, develops its own projects and productions and offers people aged 6 to 99+ who are interested in theater the opportunity to try out their own artistic skills on stage.
This content has been machine translated.Öffnungszeiten Ticketladen:
Di & Do 10–13 Uhr & 14–17 Uhr
Mi & Fr 10–15 Uhr
Karten 0341.486 60 16
E–Mail: kartenanfragen(at)
Der Kartenkauf im Großen Foyer ist jeweils 45 min vor Vorstellungsbeginn möglich.
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