Where Pfanni used to try out and test a wide variety of new products is now the Technikum. With 450 square meters of event space, the event location comprises a hall, a spacious foyer and a gallery.
This content has been machine translated.Feierwerk/ Hansa 39
Concert HallZenith
Concert HallOlympiahalle München
Concert HallKulturzentrum Trudering
Concert HallFeierwerk/ Kranhalle
Concert HallFat Cat im Gasteig
Concert HallTheaterfabrik
Concert HallIsarphilharmonie
Concert HallSunny Red
Concert HallTonHalle München
Concert HallWannda Circus
Concert HallKafe Kult
Concert HallSaal X
Concert HallIkarus Festival
Concert HallOlympia Reitanlage
Concert HallStudentenstadt Freimann
Concert HallGalopprennbahn München
Concert HallRattlesnake Saloon