Where Pfanni used to try out and test a wide variety of new products is now the Technikum. With 450 square meters of event space, the event location comprises a hall, a spacious foyer and a gallery.
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Concert HallFeierwerk/ Kranhalle
Concert HallFeierwerk/ Hansa 39
Concert HallOlympiahalle München
Concert HallKulturzentrum Trudering
Concert HallFat Cat im Gasteig
Concert HallTheaterfabrik
Concert HallIsarphilharmonie
Concert HallSunny Red
Concert HallTonHalle München
Concert HallWannda Circus
Concert HallKafe Kult
Concert HallSaal X
Concert HallIkarus Festival
Concert HallOlympia Reitanlage
Concert HallStudentenstadt Freimann
Concert HallGalopprennbahn München
Concert HallRattlesnake Saloon