At the RAW flea market you will find a colorful mix of everything your heart desires. The large selection of fashion is particularly popular. From vintage and retro to "I've never worn that" - you'll find everything at the flea market.
Want to try it on? No problem. Toilets are available on the premises and can sometimes be used as changing rooms.
In addition to curiosities and useful items from mainly private traders, you will also find local artists offering their handicrafts, jewelry and paintings every week.
Flohmarkt Rathaus Schön…
Antikmarkt am Ostbahnhof
Flohmarkt im Mauerpark
Flohmarkt am Arkonaplatz
Trödelmarkt Straße des …
Trödelmarkt Marheinekep…
Arena Market
Markt am Maybachufer
Ökomarkt am Kollwitzpla…
Wochenmarkt Boxhagener …
Nowkoelln Flowmarkt
Ick Trödel Flohmarkt
Markthalle Neun
Arminius Markthalle
Marheineke Markthalle
Dyson Demo Store Berlin
Thai Park | Thaiwiese i…
NK Kranoldplatz Flohmar…