Discover the fascinating world of the Middle Ages in the heart of Cologne, in the Schnütgen Museum. Be inspired by the precious treasures of bygone eras - you can see magnificent goldsmith's work, luminous stained glass and masterful sculptures. Each work, whether artfully designed textiles made of velvet and silk, radiant objects made of rock crystal or our "real" unicorn, tells a unique story.
Immerse yourself in a time when art and faith were inextricably linked. In the over 1000-year-old Romanesque Church of St. Cecilia, the museum's largest exhibition area, you can see the expressive crucifix from St. George and the Cologne smile of the reliquary busts up close.
Information on changing exhibitions and the extensive range of guided tours and events can be found here:
Current special exhibitions:
"Shrines and stones from St. Pantaleon" until October 20, 2024
"The printed Book of Hours from 1525 - a new acquisition in context" until October 20, 2024
"Newly acquired ivory carvings from the time of the Gothic cathedrals" until July 7, 2024
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