You can have a typical original Berlin flea market! Here in Reinickendorf, near Kurt-Schuhmacher-Platz, you can still get some really cool shit for really little money. The earlier you get there, the better!
This is still the original Berlin flea market! Here you can still get real bargains and real flea market vibes!
Prices for a stand: Market stall - 29 € | open space - 8 € (bring your own table)
You can have a typical original Berlin flea market! Here in Reinickendorf, near Kurt-Schuhmacher-Platz, you can still get some really cool shit for really little money. The earlier you get there, the better!
Ökomarkt am Kollwitzpla…
Markt am Maybachufer
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Wochenmarkt Boxhagener …
Arminius Markthalle
Trödelmarkt Marheinekep…
Trödelmarkt Straße des …
Manifesto Markthalle
Arena Market
Antikmarkt am Ostbahnhof
Flohmarkt am Arkonaplatz
Flohmarkt im Mauerpark
Nowkoelln Flowmarkt
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Markthalle Neun
Dyson Demo Store Berlin
Flohmarkt am Boxhagener…