cassiopeia Sommergarten
PHOTO: © cassiopeia Sommergarten

cassiopeia Sommergarten

Revaler Straße 99 10245 Berlin Navigation >
184 Follower:innen
0 Events

In the location's words:

From mid-November, the Cassiopeia Summer Garden on the RAW grounds in Berlin Friedrichshain will have one more excursion destination: curling! This traditional game will become an exciting leisure activity for groups, team events and winter outings. Embedded in urban flair, the Cassiopeia summer garden offers sporting fun and sociable hours in the cold season.

Monday to Friday from 4 pm, Saturday & Sunday from 2 pm (also bookable for individual appointments)

Reservation required.

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Montag: ab 16:00
Dienstag: ab 16:00
Mittwoch: ab 16:00
Donnerstag: ab 16:00
Freitag: ab 16:00
Samstag: ab 14:00
Sonntag: ab 12:00