The Alte Westend Apotheke offers the perfect setting for extraordinary events
events, innovative pop-up concepts or special occasions.
But that's not all. Our location is alive! We regularly host our own events:
Living room concerts
Comedy evenings
Art exhibitions
What does the location offer?
A large store area, many shop windows, exposed brickwork,
150-year-old wooden parquet flooring and pharmacy interior as well as many adjoining rooms
including a large kitchen, WCs and bathrooms.
And all this in the heart of one of Munich's most beautiful and lively districts
of Munich, the Schwanthalerhöhe.
Talk to us!
Flohmarkt Tierschutzver…
Spectaculum Mundi
Hochschule für Theater …
Gasteig HP8
neuland & gestalten
Köşk München
Konfuzius-Institut Münc…
München- Thalkirchen
Brauerei Giesinger Bräu…
Circus Krone-Bau München
Olympia Reitanlage (M)
Kilian's Irish Pub
Munich Beach Resort (M)
Kennedy's Bar & Restaur…
Coucou Food Market
Perlacher Mugl
Galopprennbahn (M)