Solidarity - a key concept for life in community. But at the same time, we claim uniqueness for ourselves and want to be seen in our individuality. How can we strengthen commonalities and still preserve differences?
Aleida Assmann, multi-award-winning cultural scientist, makes it clear that community is the core of democracy. In her brilliantly written book, she directs our attention away from hate and anger and towards empathy and respect ("Gemeinsinn. The sixth, social sense", C. H. Beck, together with Jan Assmann). Philosopher and bestselling author Wilhelm Schmid, on the other hand, explores the question of whether our society needs an "identity" or rather an "integrity"
("The search for cohesion", Suhrkamp). And he comes to the conclusion that society thrives on citizens who are not indifferent to everything. Two of Germany's brightest minds discuss.
In cooperation with the NS Documentation Center
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