PHOTO: © Joss Turnbull

We in a Box | Eine Musikperformance über die Rhythmen des Boxsports

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

When Everline Akinyi Odero warms up, trains with a skipping rope, hits her punching bag, screams and gasps, the result is raw impulses that are absolutely musical. Joss Turnbull, a percussionist who is always on the lookout for new sounds, thought the same thing. He has brought a wide variety of percussion instruments with him from his extensive travels and now takes Zarb and Zurkhane to tune in with Everline. In their unusual concert, they search for harmony and dissonance arising from the physical power of boxing and drumming. Pure power, poetry and the almost intimate, joint playing create trance-like states that spread to the audience.

The event is not barrier-free.

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Schlossgarten Schwetzingen Schwetzingen

Organizer | Festival

Organizer | Theater

Nationaltheater Mannheim
Nationaltheater Mannheim Hebelstr. 2-4 68161 Mannheim

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