WE ARE THE VO!CEs | Jubiläumskonzert gemischter Chor VO!CE Rodenkirchen

In the organizer's words:

The VO!CEs under the direction of Kisum Eniem are celebrating their 12th anniversary. Lively, dynamic and calm, contemplative pieces are part of the repertoire. The choir sings in German, English, Spanish and Cologne. The "Zauberflöten", the Cologne choir of gay men, the vocal ensemble Fine VO!CEs and the inclusive choir "Die Jecke Öhrcher" will also be performing. Soprano Manuela Re de Paolini as well as Ina Nigrelli and Wan-Yen Li on the piano round off the varied concert program.
The concert is all about diversity, tolerance and respect.

To reserve a place, please write to tickets@mur128.de stating your name.

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Price information:

Free admission, the artists appreciate a donation. Reservation required.


Erzengel-Michael-Kirche Pfarrer-te-Reh-Straße 7 50999 Köln

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