PHOTO: © Gareth McConell

VORAUSGESCHAUT: UniCredit Septemberfest

In the organizer's words:

This year's UniCredit Septemeberfest kicks off with Opera for All at the Festspielhaus Oberammergau on Friday, September 20.

On the weekend of September 21 and 22, we celebrate the start of the new season at the Nationaltheater, the FÜNF HÖFE and the Cuvilliés-Theater:

On Saturday, September 21, the front building of the Nationaltheater and the plaza of the FÜNF HÖFE will be transformed into an agora. There will be all kinds of mini-events for opera fans, children and anyone interested in the various art forms of the Bavarian State Opera: a public ballet training session, a look behind the scenes, stories from behind the scenes, artists to talk to and a jazz session in the foyer to round things off.

On Sunday, September 22, the focus will be on backstage tours of the Nationaltheater. On both days of the weekend, there will be short opera and ballet performances for children and adults on the stage of the Nationaltheater and in the Cuvilliés Theater at the exclusive UniCredit Septemberfest price.

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Price information:

0.00 € - 25.00€ € 25/15/8/0 <30 Prices vary depending on the event


Cuvilliéstheater Residenzstraße 1 80333 München