PHOTO: © Margot Schlönzke

Travestie für Deutschland: Das SchattenQ*abinett

In the organizer's words:

Talk guest: Saskia Esken

When the lights are still on in the Transleramt, the people know: Federal Transler Margot Schlönzke is once again brooding over the redesign of her Q*abinet. To help her thoughts flourish after a long day full of gray appointments, she turns this application process into her own little, lively show: at an hour in the evening, SPD leader SASKIA ESKEN is invited to an in-depth and enigmatic one-on-one interview.

Over tea and cookies, Schlönzke gets to grips with the candidate in a relaxed glitter-show atmosphere, takes her to task in a highly entertaining manner, has her views and positions explained to her and questions her: critically, playfully and cheekily. No iron is too hot, no party program is safe from the queer check-up of the German trans woman. Ultimately, however, the audience decides whether the candidate can be recommended to the Transleramt.

The SchattenQ*abinett is a hybrid event with a live and online audience, on stage and in the stream of the BKA Theater.

A show of travesty for Germany: TfD with Margot Schlönzke and Anna Klatsche

This content has been machine translated.


BKA Theater Mehringdamm 34 10961 Berlin

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