Eleven days with exquisite dance guests from all over the world: the big tanzmainz festival calls for the "fifth season"! tanzmainz has developed in leaps and bounds over the past few years. Not only through our numerous guest performances in many countries have we made new contacts, seen surprising things and heard amazing things. Our global network has expanded and we are delighted to be able to invite outstanding ensembles and individual artists to Mainz for guest performances.
They too find themselves in a world in which conflicts have come to a head in many places. The works they have brought with them reflect the impact on daily life and personal feelings in a variety of ways. But they also testify to courage, confidence and imagination in dealing with the tasks ahead.
The tanzmainz festival is the ideal world tour for at home: day after day, new choreographies and perspectives await the audience. In addition to the many performances, a dense supporting program enables encounters with artists and offers many opportunities to get into the swing of things yourself.
You can find the full program of performances and workshops here.
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