SWIFT 'n STYLES | Taylor Swift & Harry Styles All Night Long
Having a good time with the songs of pop icons from years gone by? Tell us something new! But having an over-the-top good time on a party night ONLY with the songs of pop icons? What's new! We're giving you non-stop Taylor Swift and Harry Styles. Shake it off to the secret anthems of Taylor, let it gyrate to more than just the hits of Harry. Just chill out with other Swifties! Scream, dance, let go! Your cruel summer with watermelon flavor in the middle of Cologne.
For our second edition of the SWIFT n STYLES party we are moving to the YUCA in Ehrenfeld (right next to the CLUB BAHNHOF EHRENFELD). Better get your tickets fast!
Admission from 18 years.
This party is not connected to Taylor Swift or Harry Styles, is not sponsored by them and is not officially connected to them.