PHOTO: © Tape Art Convention 2016, neurotitan


In the organizer's words:

Immanuel Kant defines the sublime as the feeling of consternation in the face of the greatness of nature, which at the same time confronts us with our own smallness and finiteness.

What value and what role can the Kantian sense of the sublime still play in the age of the Anthropocene?

In the works in the SUBLIMINALIA exhibition, climate change takes on the role of a "hyperobject" that transcends the limits of human understanding and gives us an impressive idea of the grandeur of nature.

The works on display, such as sculpture, installation and photography, analyze the geological changes and relate them to the Kantian concept and the contemporary Nietzschean view as the "will to power". The approach to the feeling of the sublime is seen as a possible way out and change of direction: It leads us back to our human finitude by acting as a way out of an anthropocentric view.

SUBLIMINALIA challenges us to question the traditional division between human and animal, organic and inorganic. The concept of metamorphosis as a fundamental aspect of our self-perception and existence leads to the realization that overcoming the challenges of climate change also requires a transformation of our own perspectives.


Ornella Orlandini | Francesco Petruccelli | Jessica Rimondi

This content has been machine translated.


Neurotitan Rosenthaler Straße 39 10178 Berlin

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