Own production of the theater group "UnterStrom"
An unfinished game of chess: While the players retire for a walk, the chess pieces remain on the field. Seemingly motionless and left to their own devices, some begin to compare their lives with those of humans within strict limits and possibilities. Thoughts about freedom and self-determination awaken, as do fears and insecurity.
Each of the characters has their own - often autobiographical - reasons for choosing one of the two sides: Obedience or rebellion. When the rules of the game start to crack down, many of them are faced with the question: What price do I pay for a life of my own choosing?
Trigger warning: depiction of violence on stage
Tickets at: www.haus-steinstrasse.de
5,00 € / 4,00 € reduced
Price information:
5,00 € / 4,00 € reduced