SMASH COMEDY, Hamburg's queerfeminist stand-up comedy club, is going on tour for the second time - and this time it's stopping off in Jena! - to celebrate the women, FLINTA* & queers of the German comedy scene with you. presented by Provinz Comedy, the stand-up show by Janka Partisanka!
Smash Comedy wants more visibility for all those who are underrepresented on standard comedy stages. A (queer)feminist show with slightly different perspectives and jokes about life, society and being human. A stage without toxic masculinity, misogyny and racism, homophobia, ableism, trans hostility - with maximum fun and diversity power against discrimination!
(FLINTA* stands for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, transgender and agender people)
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Price information:
10 to 20 Euro according to self-assessment
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