Do you still have photos, diaries, letters or other memorabilia from the National Socialist era relating to Cologne's history? Then bring them to the NS-DOK and let knowledgeable museum staff examine and classify them. Items that are of interest to our collection can be donated to the NS-DOK or loaned for digitization. These private artifacts are invaluable for better researching and documenting the history of Cologne during the Nazi era.
Many attics and cellars still contain objects from the Nazi era. Anyone who finds photos, letters, diaries, documents or badges from their parents or grandparents often wonders what to do with them. Many of these finds can provide insights into the (everyday) lives of the people and the society in which they lived and are therefore of great interest to researchers. Others, on the other hand, are already stored en masse in archives or have little historical significance.
Dr. Stefan Benedik (Haus der Geschichte Österreichs), Kirsten John-Stucke (Kreismuseum Wewelsburg), Dr. Johannes Spohr (present-past) and Jens Löffler (NS-DOK) will discuss the significance of private records from the Nazi era for research and education on National Socialism under the question "Is this history - or can it go?".
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