PHOTO: © Ralf König

Ralf König & Markus Barth: KÖNIG MIT BARTH

In the organizer's words:

Two gay boys from the countryside move to the big city at slightly different times. One becomes one of the most successful comic artists in the country, the other a bestselling author and stand-up comedian.

The two get to know each other, one says: "Let's do something together", the other takes it seriously and bang: there they are on stage, presenting the best of their almost unmanageable oeuvre.

An evening full of comics and tragedies, full of bulbous noses and cranes, with heroic stories and dog anecdotes - well, and there will probably be a penis or two too.

They chat, read, draw and play - and the audience quickly realizes: these two should do things together much more often!

This content has been machine translated.


BKA Theater Mehringdamm 34 10961 Berlin

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