PHOTO: © Christoph Busse

Rainald Grebe mit der musikalischen Lesung "Foreveryoungkonzert"

In the organizer's words:

Rainald Grebe falls into a time warp and follows a pink rabbit. It looks very young.

He's still sitting at the piano.

The seventh solo - tick tick - the eighth wonder of the world - tick - the third teeth - tick - that I can still experience this, and the groundhog greets me forever, time loop, time changeover, time for bread, I'm ancient, I'm now receiving prizes for my life's work, I was just a newcomer, I'm me, I'm me: 52/14/95, please check - tick - but you're as old as you feel - tick - I feel like I'm 102 - tick - but I look younger - tick - I got deathly ill, had strokes and walked on the rollator, the fine cash register frame - tick - and rolled through Berlin/through Brandenburg/through the eternal hunting grounds, and thought I'd die before my parents, sometimes I think I'm already dead, I take a quick look at the earth, a visitor, and see what people are up to - tick - the young people - tick - are in the majority now - tick - they call me by my name. What generation am I? Generation 27 68 89? X Y Z? I'm Generation Simultaneous, Generation Puree, Generation Just Visiting. I'm still here. And I want to stay.

I try everything to look young in self-experimentation, I want to be part of the advertising-relevant target group of 13-79. I go to the plastic surgeon, to cryotherapy, lose weight lying down, have large areas of fat cells destroyed with high voltage current, I boil soap from my bum, I set off on the road to eternal youth. When I see you, I'm wearing diapers and have porridge on my cheek. My funeral in the circleroom.

This content has been machine translated.


Theaterhaus Stuttgart Siemensstraße 11 70469 Stuttgart

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