Do you question "those at the top"? "Those up there" of many parties come to you!
Do debates seem tedious or even boring? Maybe your favorite topic hasn't been addressed yet? Come to "Qual der Wahl" on February 13 at 7.30 pm!
This non-partisan debate brings the youngest Bavarian candidates from six parties on one stage! Digitalization, migration, climate change. Not your topics? At the end you can ask them your own questions. Not had enough? You can keep talking to them during the reception!
Come along and push aside the info bubbles and fake news!
Participation is free of charge. You can register here.
Where: CDTM, Marsstraße 20, 80335 Munich
When: 13.02 from 19:30-21 h
Moderator: Philipp Reumann
- Christian König Greens, the Greens
- David Mandrella, SPD
- Josef Rohrmoser, CSU
- Paul Friedrich, FDP
- Andreas Mayer, AfD
Drinks will be provided!
The "Global Shapers Munich" campaigned for the project in advance. More information about the Global Shapers Munich and their projects can be found here: