One fine day, Arthur Dent finds himself lying in front of a large excavator in a desperate attempt to protect his house from demolition. A bypass road is to be built through his house and the whole Earth is to make way for an intergalactic hyperspace express route. But there's nothing like a friend who is co-author of the travel guide "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy": Ford Perfect saves them both at the last second and an adventurous journey through space begins: with improbable propulsion and the answer to the question of the meaning of life. Don't forget your towels!
A science fiction satire by Douglas Adams, translated by Benjamin Schwarz.
With the voices of Anja Dorrer, Thomas Hof, Christoph Steinau and Valeska Weber With live sounds and music by Olaf Pyras Set design by Patrizia Schuster
This content has been machine translated.