PHOTO: © Patagonia

Patagonia presents: The Shitthropocene (OV) mit Talks & mehr im Freiluftkino Insel @ Atelier Gardens

In the organizer's words:

English with German subtitles
Free tickets via

Welcome to the age of cheap junk! With the film "The Shitthropocene", Patagonia takes us on an exciting journey to a serious topic, humorously packaged: It starts at the origin of our lack of impulse control on a cellular level and illustrates how capitalism has hacked our central nervous system. But the movie also shows how we can solve the problems we have created.

Welcome to the age of cheap junk! With the film "The Shitthropocene", Patagonia takes us on an exciting journey to a serious topic, humorously packaged: It starts at the origin of our lack of impulse control on a cellular level and illustrates how capitalism has hacked our central nervous system. But the film also shows how we can solve the problems we have created.

This content has been machine translated.


Freiluftkino INSEL @ ATELIER GARDENS Oberlandstraße 26-35 12099 Berlin

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