PHOTO: © Rolf Demmel

NOTENLOS - Das Wunschkonzert der Extraklasse

In the organizer's words:

Andreas Speckmann and Bastian Pusch perform the "Living Jukebox" and present a top-class request concert that you've never heard before - and that sounds different every time. Depending on the mood and creativity of the guests. They not only take part live, but also actively shape the evening!

In duets and duels, the two exceptional musicians improvise their way through classical, jazz, musical and pop music. Without playback, without aids and without sheet music, they push themselves and their pianos to the limit. For example, when they want to put a certain theme into the mouths of all possible and impossible interpreters, including their characteristic expressions. Children's songs meet film music, choral music meets rock'n roll, Grönemeyer meets Pavarotti.

Disguised in a suit and bow tie, "Notenlos" celebrates the break in style, poking fun at favorite songs and performers. Bastian Pusch and Andreas Speckmann want and have one thing: fun. And they produce it in a constant barrage, and are soon good for a new surprise every bar. They create a great atmosphere in the audience right from the start.

"They criss-cross through four decades of entertainment music in all its facets, without seriously embarrassing the two sparkling keyboard wizards" (...)

There doesn't seem to be a song that the two don't know on stage. For example, titles by Rod Stewart or the Toten Hosen are performed to the keyword 'water' as well as 'Es klappert die Mühle', 'Pack die Badehose ein' and 'die Fischerin vom Bodensee'. (...) The special pleasure lies not only in the mimicry and the singing, but above all in the brilliant piano playing of the two musicians." (Allgäuer Zeitung)

"A colorful, groovy and above all creative evening full of music - and that "without sheet music". If you hadn't heard the two pianists Andreas Speckmann and Bastian Pusch before, you might not have been able to imagine what this "Notenlos durch die Nacht" was really all about." (Schwäbische Zeitung)

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Price information:

26 Euro normal, 21 Euro reduced via the Theater Drehleier ticket store or at the Box Office


Theater Drehleier Rosenheimer Str. 123 81667 München