Nordsüdlicher Divan

PICK OF THE DAY Spoken word
In the organizer's words:

On the topicality of Goethe's Divan in contemporary German-language and African literature

A lecture by: Dr. Nadjib Sadikou

In a letter to Ottilie, Goethe explains the effect of the Divan in that it detaches us from the conditional present and, for the moment, transports us to a feeling of boundless freedom. This is "beneficial at any time, especially ours." The planned lecture asks about such a 'beneficial effect' in the 21st century and thus undertakes a re-reading of the Divan with regard to its topicality for the interweaving of German-language and African texts of the present. In the first step, it is shown that Goethe's text uses a 'process of reconfiguration' to critically reflect on cultural semantics or to generate intercultural semiotics. In the second step, the effect of the Divan project is analyzed in some German-language and African texts.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission free, donation requested


LETTL-Museum für surreale Kunst Zeuggasse 9 86150 Augsburg

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