In the organizer's words:

DISTEL celebrates its 70th anniversary. 70 years of cabaret, criticism, enlightenment. All served up with sharp punchlines and great music, of course. Reason enough to celebrate with a big spectacle: accompanied by a three-piece live band, six members of the ensemble share the stage - but not for a nostalgic look back, but for the ultimate cabaret show!

An entertaining evening filled to the brim with new parodies, sketches, songs and the reassuring realization: cabaret is like Jesus. Whenever it is pronounced dead, it is back three days later in even greater glory.

"Fresh and lively." (rbb)

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Written by: Thomas Lienenlüke
Director: Dominik Paetholdt
Musical direction & composition: Christin Henkel
On stage: Timo Doleys, Caroline Lux, Stefan Martin Müller, Rüdiger Rudolph, Nancy Spiller, Frank Voigtmann
On the instruments: Falk Breitkreuz, Bianca Dolabella, Matthias 'Felix' Lauschus

Further information about the program

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Kabarett-Theater DISTEL Friedrichstr. 101 10117 Berlin

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