The only party that keeps its promises. Organized by mi amo. No monotony. You can expect a good mix of house, techno, ghetto and one or two guilty pleasures. We look forward to seeing you.
For more info, follow us on Instagram: @mi.amo_
-They always put hip hop on the lineup but when I ask for culcha candela they look at me weird. oh well. At least there are always free lighters- (Marie, 25)
-My child was out the other night, called me and then couldn't be reached. I got worried and went to the party. I found him there dancing happily with all his friends. The music was really great too. I was happy to stay. Next time we'll probably go with the whole family. Great cause and fantastic beats- (anonymous)
-Was there and had a very good night- (most)
Price information:
VVK 6,50€ until 23:00, Box Office 8€