PHOTO: © Maria Altmann

Malaria - Serben sterben langsam

In the organizer's words:

How do we, the Serbs, a nation whose image has been severely tarnished since the imperial murder and the Balkan wars, integrate ourselves into a country like Austria, whose history teachers report on this very imperial murder with unrelenting shock?

Malarina invites us to a history lesson from Sarajevo to Ibiza and deals with the painful loss of HC Strache in "Serbs die slowly".

The path of the Serbian guest workers led via Integration Classic to Assimilation 1.0 out of fear of Haider. Out of love for HC Strache came the upgrade to Assimilation 2.0 - Edition including Xenophobia and Islamophobia extended version.

But how should things continue for us Serbs without HC Strache?

Jury statements:
"All respect." - Austrian Cabaret Prize 2022

"A cunning and punchy mix of applied ethnology, political satire and comedic reappraisal of the relationship between Austria and Serbia, which is characterized by pride and prejudice." - Salzburg Bull 2023

Press reviews:
"An extraordinary mixture of political satire history lesson and ethnocomedy" - Falter
"Malarina works her way through the biggest wounds of the Serbian-Austrian bromance in a charming and sharp-tongued way" - Die Presse
"With her role as an Austro-Serbian woman with an affinity for the right, Malarina is one of the country's most interesting up-and-coming cabaret artists" - Der Standard
"Clever and highly amusing" - profil

Other independent voices
"She's only doing this to poke fun at others." - Sebastian Kurz
"Well, that didn't happen in the Third Reich." - Jörg Haider
"I don't know Malarina, stop calling me already!" - Heinz Christian Strache

About the person:
Malarina was born in Picka Materina, Serbia, without a highway connection. Her parents came to Austria as guest workers, their stay was supposed to be temporary until the Serbian economy recovered. When her parents finally gave up hope, they brought their children to Austria and raised them in beautiful Innsbruck. In 2011, Malarina finally fled to the capital of misanthropy, Vienna, so as not to disappoint Tyrolean expectations of friendliness any further. She studied/is studying long-term/comparative literature at the University of Vienna. She is taking her time to complete her degree because she wants to keep the option open to switch to politics later on and doesn't want to be overqualified when the time finally comes. Since 2019, Malarina has been trying to contribute to international understanding between the Schwabos, Tschuschen and Elite Tschuschen through cabaret.

This content has been machine translated.


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