PHOTO: © Waschhaus Potsdam

Lydia Benecke / AUSVERKAUFT

In the organizer's words:

"Female psychopaths - deadly women"

What characterizes female psychopaths? How much reality is there in the portrayal of a female psychopath in the movie "Basic Instinct"? What distinguishes female psychopaths from their male "conspecifics"? Can you recognize them?

Criminal psychologist and offender therapist Lydia Benecke uses real cases to explain the typical characteristics and strategies of psychopathic female criminals. Serial murderers who kill strangers, relatives and even their own children - without the slightest remorse.

What's happening in such women? How do they become what they are? What are the evolutionary reasons for the differences between male and female criminals?

Do women commit crimes just as cruelly as men? Are there pedosexual women who abuse children? Even sexually sadistic female criminals who cruelly torture and murder to satisfy their own lust?

How different is the perception of identical crimes in the media and society depending on whether they are committed by women or men?

Come with us on a journey through the "psychology of female evil"...

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Price information:

SOLD OUT Advance booking plus fees.


Waschhaus Potsdam Schiffbauergasse 6 14467 Potsdam

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