Der grosse Loriot Abend

In the organizer's words:

"The great Loriot evening"
by Vicco von Bülow
With: Isolde Beilé, Joachim Börker, Kathrin Busch, Miriam Distelkamp, Marc Gelhart, Christian Schliehe and Hermes Schmid.
Schliehe and Hermes Schmid

An event as part of the Long Night of the Stages 2024.

"The duck stays out!" says one man to the other as they sit naked in the bathtub.
"Cossack tip? That's a mocha truffle parfait with a lemon cream ball!" But sharing one of these "Cossack croissants" can turn into a relationship disaster...
"Berta, the egg is hard!" - The start of a morning marital crisis seems inevitable...
"Gray... but not so gray... more greenish gray... towards brownish. A kind of brownish gray... with green... a brown-green gray." Even the question of favorite color can become a problem in marriage counseling...
"Once the children are out of the house, she'll have her yodeling diploma... Then she'll have something of her own..."
"At Lord and Lady Hesketh-Fortescue's country estate North Cothelstone Hall, in addition to their youngest son Meredith, there are also cousins Priscilla and Gwyneth Molesworth from the neighboring villages of Nether Addlethorpe and Middle Fritham..." Yes, most people in Germany know these sentences. Because Loriot's scenes from everyday life are so funny that you never forget them. Even on stage!

Production: Marc Gelhart and Kay Kruppa
Stage design: Lisa Dittus
Costumes: Anika Töbelmann
Make-up: Celine Barz, Fabian Domke, Ben Gelhart, Carmen Schmid
Technology: Sascha Ehmann, Philipp Hanko, Tobias Jäckel, Lea Mathes, Tom Luca Schütte

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

A ticket is also valid as a ticket for BSAG buses and streetcars in the VBN fare zones 100-101 from 1 p.m. to 3 a.m. on the following day.


Boulevardtheater Bremen Am Tabakquartier 8 28197 Bremen

Location | Theater

Lange Nacht der Bühnen 2024
Lange Nacht der Bühnen 2024 Schildstraße 21 28203 Bremen

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