Wilde Bühne: Wundertüte

In the organizer's words:

Wild stage grab bag

An event as part of the Long Night of the Stages 2024.

Two theaters share a venue in the Volkshaus: Wilde Bühne and Opus Einhundert have been based here since 2013 and take it in turns to perform on stage. This also applies to the Long Night: In consecutive time slots of 20 minutes each, they present themselves and provide insights into their work.

- Wilde Wundertüte
Let yourself be surprised! The Wild Ones perform some of their favorite scenes...

Wilde Bühne Bremen celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2023 and reaches around 8,000 people every year through theater performances and projects. At the heart of Wilde Bühne is the 14-member theater ensemble of people suffering from addiction. All of them are clean and sober when they perform at Wilde Bühne. Shaped by their biographies, the actors are striking witnesses and creators of their theater work. In addition to numerous performances at its own venue in the Volkshaus, the ensemble also performs nationwide in schools, theaters, youth centers, specialist clinics and at specialist events. The Wilde Bühne's trademark is its interactive, participatory productions. Using the forum theater method or an audience discussion, the actors enter into an exchange with the audience after the various productions. Dealing with mental illness among friends or family, borderline experiences, life crises, life with and without drugs, fear, bullying, violence and isolation can be discussed in an open dialog.

Information on accessibility: The theater and the auditorium are easily accessible by wheelchair. There are 10 wheelchair spaces.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

A ticket is also valid as a ticket for BSAG buses and streetcars in the VBN fare zones 100-101 from 1 p.m. to 3 a.m. on the following day.


OpusEinhundert - Theater im Volkshaus Hans-Böckler-Straße 9 28217 Bremen

Location | Theater

Lange Nacht der Bühnen 2024
Lange Nacht der Bühnen 2024 Schildstraße 21 28203 Bremen

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