Long band night in the Alte Bürger - an unforgettable evening full of live music
On Saturday, March 29, the Alte Bürger scene mile in Bremerhaven will once again be transformed into a vibrant music center. From 8 p.m. until late into the night, visitors can enjoy the diversity of rock and pop music - with a unique mix of regional and national bands.
Over 20 hours of music in1 0 locations
The concept of the event is as simple as it is ingenious: 10 pubs, 10 bands, three sets of 45 minutes each. Guests have the opportunity to move from one pub to the next and experience a wide range of musical styles - from jazz and rock to folk-rock, blues and soul. The Long Band Night thus offers a musical tour that takes visitors on a journey of discovery through a wide variety of musical genres.