Performative installation with AI experts, performers, philosophers, the audience and, of course, the AI itself.
"Welcome to the presentation of the innovation of the year 2023: ROKI, the moderation robot! It not only impresses with basic moderation functions such as speech management and discussion structure. No, it can also call up all available knowledge and incorporate it into the discussion. A real enrichment!" This fictitious product presentation addresses the current discussion about "AI". What is "AI" anyway? Can "AI" really solve all our problems or actually become a threat to us? What role do we and our everyday use of data and digital tools play? Let's find out!
The actors are: Nadine Schumann, Marina Erler, Lea Fandrey & Nancy Schneider
Moderation: Katrin Felgenhauer
Stage design: Paula Schlagbauer
Click here for the homepage and advance booking:
Price information:
08 Euro = No coal ticket 12 Euro = Normal price 15 Euro = Promotional ticket for the "No coal" ticket