PHOTO: © Joachim Pagel

Kabarett Geisterfahrer + Special Guest "Herr Braun" - Geht's no!?

In the organizer's words:

In their new program, the ghost driver and Mr Braun also give lots of tips and "life advice" on how older people can keep their brains in shape, for example.

And Mr. Braun tells off his colleague, Silvano Tuiach, for still living in his analog world and not adapting to digital progress. They have also revisited an old German fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, and written a contemporary version of it. The new book releases from Augsburg's "Sodala" publishing house are also presented and the two show what the future of the Augsburg State Theater could look like. And, of course, the ghost driver also shares Mr. Ranzmayr's latest findings.

This content has been machine translated.


Parktheater im Kurhaus Klausenberg 6 86199 Augsburg

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