PHOTO: © Doris Belmont

Jurassica Parka: 10 Jahre PAILLETTE GEHT IMMER

In the organizer's words:

Jurassica Parka has been regularly holding her "Paillette geht immer" show in the foyer of the BKA Theater for ten years now!

The talk guests queue up, even though word should have gotten around that after a visit to the Paillette, your own career takes a sudden downturn.

Jurassica Parka drags her interview partners and her audience into the abyss with half-truths and inadvertent leaks.

From sexy to dirty, from cultural to transsexual, from celebrity to embarrassing, Jurassica says what she should only think and reveals juicy details about things.

Today, Jurassica Parka, the guarantor of sophisticated entertainment below the belt, is celebrating a special anniversary show with numerous guests.

This content has been machine translated.


BKA Theater Mehringdamm 34 10961 Berlin

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