Jubiläumsfeier: 25 Jahre Gesundheitszentrum St. Pauli

In the organizer's words:

The sponsoring association of the St. Pauli health center invites you to a colorful event for children and adults. You can look forward to a variety of activities such as goal wall shooting with FC St. Pauli, an exciting Shinson Hapkido demonstration and hands-on training in martial arts. Younger guests can look forward to the Falkenflitzer children's program and an exciting tombola from CaFée mit Herz.

For all dance enthusiasts, there will be oriental belly dancing and a Forró dance demonstration and class. There will also be a flea market, live music from "Sunset Train" and "Tudo Bem" and culinary delights from Catering Service Haus 5.

Informative stands, such as that of the Guttempler Hamburg on addiction self-help and the Caritas project "Rucksackpacken wie ein Obdachloser", round off the program. Not forgetting the book presentation on the history of the old port hospital.

This content has been machine translated.


Gesundheitszentrum St. Pauli Seewartenstraße 10 20359 Hamburg

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