PHOTO: © Pexels: Brent Keane

Jamie Sheene - Country music

In the organizer's words:

If you look up the term "Rampensau" in the dictionary, you will find the name "Jamy Sheene".
Over the past 20 years, Jamy has built up a very good reputation in the country scene as a country-rock singer with a penchant for line dancing. Organizers appreciate her professionalism and
and her uncomplicated manner. Audiences love her relaxed, authentic way of engaging with people and the fact that they can feel her enthusiasm for the songs she performs. The
spark jumps over.
Proof of this is her 4th place in the "Country Rock Star 2017" competition and - above all
first place out of 32 strong colleagues and bands as "Country Festival Star 2017". Both votes are audience awards. In the coronavirus years 2020/2021, Jamy took a creative break, partly for personal reasons.
But now she's back: fresh, rocking, country ... And with some of her own songs - and one thing above all: unmistakable!
And something else won't change with Jamy: Her good humor!

This content has been machine translated.


Green Goose Pub Theodor-Heuss-Platz 9 42853 Remscheid

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